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Anfibios de Santa María (Boyacá, Colombia)

In an effort consistent with the unavoidable need to link all sectors of society, as protagonists in the preservation of our biological wealth, we present the second edition of the mammals chapter of the Guía de campo de los mamíferos, anfibios y reptiles de Santa María (Boyacá); in which we hope to contribute to the standardization of studies of small mammals, aimed at answering questions regarding species richness, abundance of individuals within species and their diversity; as well as to establish the composition, structure and function of this faunal group, among other studies.

Contemplar, Comprender, Conservar

Manual ilustrado para guías de turismo de naturaleza en Colombia recoge información sobre el patrimonio naturalcolombiano y la expone de manera didáctica, estética y accesible.



Hyloscirtus male calling near the Paramo




Undergraduate course, Universidad del Rosario, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, 2021

This course aims to be a theoretical-practical experience in the study of amphibians and reptiles. The students will acquire the necessary skills to understand and identify the relationships between the largest groups of Neotropical amphibians and reptiles. Students will also learn about behavior, communication, ecology, evolution, and the main aspects of conservation.

Cuisine, Science and Biodiversity

Undergraduate course, Universidad del Rosario, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, 2021

  • Do you know why the chili pepper is spicy for humans but birds can eat a whole chili without any problem?
  • Or what is the origin of cassava or squash? Why does food become vinegar if we stir it when it is cold?
  • What is the benefit of fermented foods?
  • Or how can we be environmentally responsible from the kitchen?

Phylogenetic systematics

Graduate and undergraduate course, Universidad del Rosario, Facultad de ciencias Naturales, 2021

Phylogenetic analyzes have become a standard methodology for comparative studies in any field of biology. This course aims to teach the fundamentals of phylogenetic analysis and the use of different computer programs, with emphasis on the problems and tools inherent to systematics, biogeography and evolution.